Namibia Berries Partners with Lignaverda on a Reforestation Project

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                June 2024

Namibia Berries is partnering with Lignaverda, a Belgian non-profit organisation that pioneers landscape restoration projects in semi-arid areas, on a reforestation project in Divundu. In April, Lignaverda signed a memorandum of understanding with the Namibian government for a strategic partnership that will pave the way for advanced reforestation and land management practices in Namibia. As part of the project, Lignaverda launched two reforestation pilot projects in the Kavango region – one of them at the Namibia Berries farm. The lessons learnt from the pilot projects will be used to expand landscape restoration activities in Namibia’s semi-arid areas.


In Divundu, Lignaverda will implement a pilot on 20 hectares of land located at the Namibia Berries farm. Seedlings of indigenous trees as well as of commercially interesting fruit trees (avocado, citrus, guava, mango, etc.) will be planted. A drip irrigation system will boost growth of the trees during the first year. Irrigation will be removed from the indigenous trees and will continue on the fruit trees. The pilot is proof of concept of an orchard that combines indigenous trees and commercially interesting fruit trees which maximises carbon and economic benefits of Namibia’s reforested landscapes.


Lignaverda’s reforestation mission is about much more than just planting trees – it's about restoring ecosystems, supporting communities, and fighting climate change. Their projects are living proof of what can be achieved through dedication and innovation.

Learn more about this exciting project on Lignaverda’s website.